Manage threads

Manage threads

Find out how to manage each new thread you have with the MOSTLY AI Assistant. You can share, delete, and rename each thread.

Share a thread

You can share threads with others by adding their emails. People with whom you share a thread can view it in read-only mode. They cannot edit the shared thread.


  1. On the Assistant page, hover over a thread and click its kebab menu.
  2. Select Share.
  3. In the dialog, add the email of the person that you want to share the thread with and click Add. MOSTLY AI - Assistant - Share a thread - Enter email and click Add

Rename a thread

When you create a new thread, it has the name [Unnamed]. You can rename it to make it easier to find and manage.


  1. On the Assistant page, click the thread you want to rename.
  2. In the upper left, click the Edit button. MOSTLY AI - Assistant - Rename a thread - Click Edit
  3. Enter a new name for the thread.

Delete a thread

You can delete any threads you no longer need.


  1. On the Assistant page, hover over a thread and click its kebab menu.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. To confirm, click Yes, delete.

Export as a Jupyter Notebook

You can export assistant threads as Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb file and any generated data and image files). Use the export to share your work with others or import in your own Jupyter Notebook environment.


  1. Export in one of two ways.
    • On the Assistant page, hover over a thread and click its kebab menu.
    • With the Assistant thread open, click the kebab menu. MOSTLY AI - Assistant - Export as Jupyter Notebook - Click kebab menu
  2. Select Export as ipynb.
  3. Select the location where you want to save the file and click Save.


The thread contents are downloaded in a .zip file that contains the Jupyter Notebook .ipynbfile and any generated data and image files.

Here is an example from an Assistant thread containing a generated .csv file with mock data and the generated pie chart.

    • Mock Data with sample GitHub profiles.ipynb
      • mock_data.csv
      • country_distribution_pie_chart.png