Deploy to OpenShift

Deploy MOSTLY AI to an OpenShift cluster


This page will be updated soon with deployment details about MOSTLY AI v200. Stay tuned!

You can install MOSTLY AI in an OpenShift cluster. This page covers the list of prerequisites you need and the steps for a successful installation.



  1. Create the mostly-ai namespace in your OpenShift cluster.
    oc new-project mostly-ai
  2. Add the following annotations so that the MOSTLY AI pods can be scheduled in the mostly-ai namespace.
    oc annotate --overwrite \
    namespace mostly-ai \"1000700000/10000"
    oc annotate --overwrite \
    namespace mostly-ai \"1000700000/10000"
  3. List the nodes in your cluster and identify which nodes you want to use for MOSTLY AI.
    oc get nodes
  4. Add the required mostly_app=yes and mostly_worker=yes labels to the relevant nodes in your cluster.

    The labels ensure that MOSTLY AI pods run only in the designated nodes.

    1. Add the label mostly_app=yes on your application node.
      oc label node APP_NODE mostly_app=yes
    2. Add the label mostly_worker=yes on your worker node.
      oc label node WORKER_NODE mostly_worker=yes
  5. Unarchive the MOSTLY AI Helm chart and from a terminal or a command line, change directory to the MOSTLY_AI_helm_charts directory.
    cd MOSTLY_AI_helm_charts
  6. Open the values.yaml file in an editor. You set the configurations required to deploy MOSTLI AI in an OpenShift cluster.
  7. Comment out the K8S configurations under K8S platform ingress.
  8. Uncomment the OpenShift configurations under OpenShift platform route.
  9. Set the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your organization.
    1. Set your FQDN for the domain key.

      The excerpt below shows as the configured FQDN. Replace it with your FQDN.
      name: mostlyai
    2. Set your FQDN for the route: fqdn key under OpenShift platform route.
      ## OpenShift platform route
  10. Set your Docker pull image secret key in the docker_secret key. The secret key is your authentication for the MOSTLY AI Helm repository. The initial value is the following:
    docker_secret: "base64 encoded secret"
    Replace the value "base64 encoded secret" with the Docker pull image secret key provided by your Customer Experience Engineer. The value must not be wrapped in quotation marks and the line should look similar to the following, where the ellipsis (...) indicates the remaining characters of the complete secret key.
    docker_secret: exJhdXRocyI6eyJuZX...
  11. Set the platform key to the OpenShift value ocp.
    platform: ocp
  12. (Optional) Add any additional annotations under the #Optional annotations for OCP Route line.
    ## OpenShift platform route
    #Optional annotations for OCP Route
  13. Save your changes in the values.yaml file.
  14. Deploy MOSTLY AI with helm.

    Make sure that the current directory is MOSTLY_AI_helm_charts when you run the command.

    helm upgrade --install mostly-ai ./ --values values.yaml --namespace mostly-ai

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