OrganizationsManage resources

Manage organization resources

You can grow your organization’s portfolio by adding synthetic data resources.

Add resources

You can add the following types of resources to an organization:

To add resources, you transfer the ownership of the resource from your personal account to the organization. A resource’s initial owner is always the creator’s account. Resources cannot start with an organization as the owner, but their ownership can always be transferred back to your account.

Transfer a resource to an organization

In MOSTLY AI, you can transfer any generator, synthetic datasets, or connector you create to an organization.

After the transfer, even if the creator of a resource deletes their account, the resource will not be deleted and its owner will remain the organization transferred to.

Transferring is not available in the few specific cases listed below.

  • To another user
  • From/to an organization where you do not have sufficient permissions


  • You are the creator of the resource you want to transfer.
  • You have the Admin or Contributor role in the organization you want to transfer the resource to.
  • You can transfer generators and synthetic datasets only when their status is Ready. For details, see Status of generators and Status of synthetic datasets.


  1. Open a resource (generator, synthetic dataset, connector).
  2. Click the kebab menu and select Transfer ownership. Transfer ownership - 01 - Kebab menu
  3. Select the user or organization to transfer the resource to. Transfer ownership - 02 - Select organization
  4. Click Save.


The resource is now transferred to the selected organization.

Remove a resource

To remove a resource from an organization, you can do one of the following:

Delete the resourceDelete a generator
Delete a synthetic dataset
* Delete a connector
Transfer the resource back to your accountFollow Transfer a resource to an organization. Instead of organization select your account.

As a result, the resource will be no longer available to the organization members.