Quick start for Data consumers
As Data consumers, through synthetic data you can get easy and privacy-safe access to data that otherwise remains locked.
To do so, you can use a MOSTLY AI trained generator for fresh and new synthetic data. The Model creators in your organization can share a generator with you.
Step 1: Generate synthetic data
Open the link of the shared generator.
💡Model creators within your organization can share a link to a public generator or a link to a private generator within an organization.
For details, see Public and private assets.
With the generator open, click Generate data.
Click Start generation.
What’s next
When the generation of synthetic data completes, you can download the data in CSV, Parquet, or XSLX format.
You can also make the synthetic dataset public so others can access its page, review the Data report, Data samples, Generation steps, and Configuration, or download the data in their preferred format.
Step 2: Download synthetic data
- With the synthetic dataset open, click Download synthetic dataset.
- Select to download as CSV, Parquet, or Excel.
Step 3: Make the synthetic dataset public
- With the synthetic dataset open, click the kebab menu and select Manage visibility.
- Select Public.
- Click Save.
- Copy and share the URL of the synthetic dataset.
What’s next
Use the synthetic dataset to freely analyze the data without the privacy-related concerns.
Share the dataset URL so others can do the same.