Synthetic datasetsDeliver synthetic data

Deliver synthetic data to databases or cloud buckets

When you configure the generation of a synthetic dataset, you can select to deliver the generated synthetic data to a database or cloud storage bucket.

If you use the web application, you can select a destination before you start the synthetic dataset generation from the Dataset destination button.

  • Regardless of any destination you select, the generated synthetic dataset will always be available to download as a Parquet file.
  • CSV downloads are also available for synthetic datasets with less than 10M data points.
  • XSLX downloads include up to 10k samples of data.


  1. On the Synthetic dataset configuration page, click Dataset destination. Configure synthetic dataset destination
  2. On the Synthetic dataset destination dialog, configure the destination.
    1. For Destination, select a database or cloud bucket destination.

      The Destination drop-down lists only connectors that have the Destination access type.
      You can type to filter the names among the list of destination connectors.

      Configure synthetic dataset destination - Select Destination
    2. For Location, select a database, database schema, or cloud bucket folder where you want to deliver the generated synthetic dataset.

      For databases, you can select a database schema or a table from the Location drop-down menu. Configure synthetic dataset destination - Location drop-down menu for databases For cloud storage buckets, type the folder path in the Location text box. Configure synthetic dataset destination - Location drop-down menu for cloud buckets
  3. (Optional) Select Overwrite existing tables if you deliver to the same destination over and over again and want to maintain a fresh copy of synthetic data.
  4. Click Proceed.


When the synthetic dataset is generated, MOSTLY AI delivers it to the specified location.