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We talked to test engineers, QA leads, test automation experts and CTOs to figure out what their most common test data generation issues were. There are some common themes, and it's clear that the test data space is ready for some AI help.

The biggest day-to-day test data challenges

Enterprise architectures are not prepared to provide useful test data for software development. From an organizational point of view, test data tends to be the proverbial hot potato no one is willing to handle. The lack of quality test data results in longer development times and suboptimal product quality. But what makes this potato too hot to touch? The answer lies in the complexity of test data provisioning. To find out what the most common blockers are for test architects, we first mapped out how test data is generated today.

1. Copy production data and pray for forgiveness

Let's face it. Lots of dev teams do this. With their eyes half-closed, they copy the production data to staging and hope against the odds that all will be fine. It never is, though. Even if you are lucky enough to dodge a cyberattack, 59% of privacy incidents originate in-house, and most often, they are not even intentional. 

Our advice for these copy-pasting daredevils is simple: do not do that. Ever. Take your production data out of non-production environments and do it fast.

2. Using legacy data anonymization like data masking or obfuscation and destroy the data in the process

Others in more privacy-conscious industries, like insurance and banking, use legacy data anonymization techniques on production data. As a direct consequence of data masking, obfuscation, and the likes, they struggle with data quality issues. They neither have the amount nor the bandwidth of data they need to meaningfully test systems. Not to mention the privacy risk these seemingly safe and arguably widespread practices bring. Test engineers are not supposed to be data scientists well versed in the nuances of data anonymization. Nor are they necessarily aware of the internal and external regulations regarding data privacy. In reality, lots of test engineers just delete some columns they flagged as personally identifiable information (PII) and call it anonymized. Many test data creation tools out there do pretty much the same automatically, conveniently forgetting that simply masking PII does not qualify as privacy-safe.

3. Manually create test data

Manual test data creation has its place in projects where entirely new applications with no data history need to be tested. However, as most testers can attest, it is a cumbersome method with lots of limitations. Mock data libraries are handy tools, but can’t solve everything. Highly differentiated test data, for example, is impossible to construct by hand. Oftentimes, offshore development teams have no other choice but to generate random data themselves. The resulting test data doesn't represent production and lacks a balance between positive cases, negative cases, as well as unlikely edge cases. A successful and stress-free go-live is out of reach both for these off-shore teams and their home crew. Even when QA engineers crack the test data issues perfectly at first, keeping the test data consistent and up-to-date is a constant struggle. Things change, often. Test data generation needs to be flexible and dynamic enough to be able to keep up with the constantly moving goalposts. Application updates introduce new or changed inputs and outputs, and test data often fails to capture these movements. 

The tragic heroes of software testing and development

It's clear that data issues permeate the day-to-day work of test engineers. They deal with these as best as they can, but it does look like they are often set up for unsolvable challenges and sleepless nights. In order to generate good quality test data, they need to understand both the product and its customers. Their attention to detail needs to border on unhealthy perfectionism. Strong coding skills need to be paired with exceptional analytical and advanced data science knowledge with a generous hint of privacy awareness. It looks like the good people of testing could use some sophisticated AI help.

What does the future of AI-generated test data look like? 

Good test data can be generated without thinking about it and on the fly. Good test data is available in abundance, covering real-life scenarios as well as highly unlikely edge cases. Good test data leads to quantifiable, meaningful outcomes. Good test data is readily available when using platforms for test automation. AI to the rescue! Instead of expecting test engineers to figure out the nuances of logic and painstakingly crafting datasets by hand, they can use AI-generated synthetic data to increase their product quality without spending more time on solving data issues. AI-generated synthetic data will become an important piece of the testing toolbox. Just like mock data libraries, synthetic data generators will be a natural part of the test data generation process. 

As one of our QA friends put it, he would like AI "to impersonate an array of different people and situations, creating consistent feedback on system reliability as well as finding circumstantial errors." We might just be able to make his dreams come true. 

From where we stand, the test data of the future looks and feels like production data but is actually synthetic. Read more about the synthetic data use case for testing and software development!

When insurers apply a deep understanding of consumers and policy holders to their operations, three opportunities to generate revenue emerge.

Most industries are competitive, but few are more so than insurance. With the bundling of products, education – informing consumers that premiums are merely one indicator of value – and catchy branding, today’s insurers have come a long way in creating brand awareness and loyalty.

Even so, the insurance market is marked by razor-thin margins, aggressive competitors and fickle consumers. Here are three ways insurers can increase their profits in such a challenging environment.

The answers to all of these questions can be found in the data customers and prospective customers create in their interactions every day; however, this information is often out of reach, expensive to gather, or too difficult to work with because of privacy and legal concerns. Fortunately, with synthetic data, insurers can overcome all of these issues with ease.
