OrganizationsManage assets

Manage organization assets

You can grow your organization’s portfolio by adding synthetic data assets.

Add assets

You can add the following types of assets to an organization:

To add assets, you transfer the ownership of the asset from your personal account to the organization. An asset’s initial owner is always the creator’s account. Assets cannot start with an organization as the owner, but their ownership can always be transferred back to your account.

Transfer an asset to an organization

In MOSTLY AI, you can transfer any generator, synthetic datasets, or connector you create to an organization.

After the transfer, even if the creator of an asset deletes their account, the asset will not be deleted and its owner will remain the organization transferred to.

Transferring is not available in the few specific cases listed below.

  • To another user
  • From/to an organization where you do not have sufficient permissions


  • You are the creator of the asset you want to transfer.
  • You have the Admin or Contributor role in the organization you want to transfer the asset to.
  • You can transfer generators and synthetic datasets only when their status is Ready. For details, see Status of generators and Status of synthetic datasets.


  1. Open an asset (generator, synthetic dataset, connector).
  2. Click the kebab menu and select Transfer ownership. Transfer ownership - 01 - Kebab menu
  3. Select the user or organization to transfer the asset to. Transfer ownership - 02 - Select organization
  4. Click Save.


The asset is now part of the selected organizations’s assets.

Remove an asset

To remove an asset from an organization, you can do one of the following:

Delete the assetDelete a generator
Delete a synthetic dataset
* Delete a connector
Transfer the asset back to your accountFollow Transfer an asset to an organization. Instead of organization select your account.

As a result, the asset will be no longer available to the organization members.