Usage and credits

Usage and credits

Users of MOSTLY AI can track their synthetic data generation usage.

For the Free version of MOSTLY AI at (opens in a new tab), you get a daily reset for your account of 5 credits.

Each credit is worth generating 1 million synthetic data points (single-cell values), so you can generate up to 5 million data points daily for free.


Note When you use up your credits, you no longer have access to training new generators or creating new synthetic datasets.

For more credits on (opens in a new tab) or for the configuration of credits on Enterprise deployments, contact MOSTLY AI.

Check your credits usage

As you generate synthetic data, you can track the usage and the remaining credits you have on your account.

If you use the web application, you can check your usage from the Credits status bar and tooltip in the upper right.

Click Create connector button

Usage of generators

For each generator, you can track how many times it was used to generate a synthetic dataset and how many times it was shared.

If you use the web application, the Generators page contains an Activity column that shows the generator usage metrics.

MOSTLY AI - Usage and credits - Generators usage

The same metrics are also available when you open a generator.

MOSTLY AI - Usage and credits - Generators usage

Usage of synthetic datasets

For each synthetic dataset, you can track how the number of data points generated and the number of credits used.

In the web application, the metrics are available after you open a synthetic dataset.

MOSTLY AI - Usage and credits - Synthetic datasets usage

Usage of connectors

For each connector, you can track the number of shares and the number of generators that used the connector.

In the web application, the Connectors page contains an Activity column that shows the connector usage metrics.

MOSTLY AI - Usage and credits - Connectors usage