Azure AKS

Troubleshoot Azure AKS deployment issues

Learn how you can troubleshoot various issues when you deploy MOSTLY AI to an Azure AKS cluster. Each of the listed issues includes a description of the problem and solution that shows how to overcome or workaround the issue.

Error: nginx can not be set

Problem If after you run the helm install command, you see output that contains the error below, this is an indication that nginx is defined twice.

upgrade.go:442: [debug] warning: Upgrade "mostly-ai" failed: failed to create resource: Ingress.extensions "mostly-app" is invalid: Invalid value: "nginx": can not be set when the class field is also set
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: failed to create resource: Ingress.extensions "mostly-app" is invalid: Invalid value: "nginx": can not be set when the class field is also set
helm.go:84: [debug] Ingress.extensions "mostly-app" is invalid: Invalid value: "nginx": can not be set when the class field is also set
failed to create resource


  1. Define NGINX only one time in values.yaml. Comment out the ingressClassName line.
    # ingressClassName: nginx nginx
  2. Delete the mostly-ai namespace. This deletes all running MOSTLY AI pods and bound storage volumes.
    kubectl delete namespace mostly-ai
  3. Redeploy MOSTLY AI.
    helm upgrade --install mostly-ai ./ --values values.yaml --namespace mostly-ai

Error: Subscription not registered to use 'Microsoft.Storage'


If you did not register your Azure subscription to the Microsoft.Storage provider, the provisioning of storage volumes might show the following error:

The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.Storage'


  1. Register your subscription to use the Microsoft.Storage service.
    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage
  2. Check the registration status.
    az provider show -n Microsoft.Storage --output table
    The output should be similar to the following:
    Namespace          RegistrationPolicy    RegistrationState
    -----------------  --------------------  -------------------
    Microsoft.Storage  RegistrationRequired  Registered