GeneratorsManage generators

Manage generators

To manage a generator, you need to be the owner or have Editor access to one.

Status of generators

In the table below, you can find a list of all possible statuses a generator can have.

StatusDescriptionNext actions
MOSTLY AI Status pill - CanceledA generator object exists with a default or modified configuration. Training not started.• Start training
• Clone configuration
• Delete
MOSTLY AI Status pill - CanceledGenerator training is queued until cluster resources become available.• Share
• Clone configuration
• Cancel training
• Delete
MOSTLY AI Status pill - CanceledGenerator training is in progress.• Share
• Clone configuration
• Cancel training
• Delete
MOSTLY AI Status pill - ContinueA trained generator was cloned to improve its quality with further training. Training not started.• Start training
• Share
• Clone configuration
• Delete
MOSTLY AI Status pill - ReadyThe generator has completed training successfully and can now generate synthetic datasets.• Generate data
• Share
• Export to file
• Clone configuration
• Continue training
• Delete
MOSTLY AI Status pill - FailedThe generator training started and then failed.• Share
• Clone configuration
• Delete
MOSTLY AI Status pill - CanceledThe generator training was canceled while still in progress.• Share
• Clone configuration
• Delete

Clone a generator

If you need to reuse the data and model configuration from an existing generator, you can clone it. All previously added data as well as the model and training configuration are copied to the new generator.


Before you start, keep in mind:

  • Cloning is available only for generators that use a database or a cloud storage connector as a data source.
  • You cannot clone generators with uploaded files because the uploaded data is deleted after the generator training completes.

Clone a generator from the Web UI, by following the steps below.


  • Clone a generator directly from the Generators page.
    1. From the Generators page, click the kebab menu of a generator, and select Clone. MOSTLY AI - Clone a generator - 01 - From Generators page, kebab menu, Clone
  • Clone a generator after you open it.
    1. From the Generators page, click a generator to open it.
    2. Click the kebab menu in the upper right, and select Clone. MOSTLY AI - Clone a generator - 02 - From Generators details page, kebab menu, Clone


A new generator is created. The generator name starts with Clone - and is then followed by the name of the original generator.

MOSTLY AI - Clone a generator - 03 - Name and result

What’s next

You can now reuse the data and model configuration from the previous generator and make any necessary changes before starting its training.

Continue training

There may be cases where you need to improve the quality of a generator by resuming its training from the current weights of the model. An example is improving the overall accuracy of the generator. In such cases, you can use the Continue training option.


  • The generator you want to improve must have already completed training successfully. You cannot improve generators with Failed status.
  • You can only improve generators that use a database or a cloud storage bucket as a data source. Due to the fact that uploaded files are deleted immediately after training, you cannot continue the training of such generators.
  • The source data must be available for in the data source.
  • You must have the Editor role.

You can continue the training of a generator from the Web UI and with the Python SDK.

To continue the training of a generator from the Web UI, follow these steps.


  1. Continue the training of a generator in one of two ways.
    • From the Generators page, click the kebab menu of a generator, and select Clone. MOSTLY AI - Continue training - 02 - From Generators page, kebab menu, Continue training
    • With a generator open, click the kebab menu in the upper right, and select Clone. MOSTLY AI - Continue training - 02 - From Generators details page, kebab menu, Continue training
    Step result: The generator is cloned with the status CONTINUE and you can now configure the model and training options. Its name begins with Continue training - followed by the name of the original generator.
  2. (Optional) Click a table to expand its model and training options and adjust as needed. MOSTLY AI - Continue training - 03 - Configure model and training options
  3. Click Continue training to continue the training of the generator. MOSTLY AI - Continue training - 04 - Click Continue training


MOSTLY AI fetches the original data from the data source and continues the training from the already saved model weights.

MOSTLY AI - Continue training - 05 - Result

What’s next

You can use the newly trained generator to generate a new synthetic dataset or probe it for immediately generated samples.

Transfer ownership

To learn how to transfer ownership in all supported scenarios, see Public and private resources.

Revoke access

If you no longer want a generator to be accessed by a user, you can revoke their access.


  1. From the Generators page, select a generator.
  2. Click Share in the upper right.
  3. From the access menu, select Remove access.


The user is now removed from the list of people who can access this generator.

Delete a generator

A generator contains Generative AI models, one for each table of data. Depending on the size of your original data, it can take a long time to train a new one.

If you need to delete a generator, you can do so after you open a generator.


  1. From the Generators page, select a generator.
  2. Click the kebab menu in the upper right.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.


The generator is now deleted.