Manage generators

Manage generators

To manage a generator, you need to be the owner or have Editor access to one.

Status of generators

In the table below, you can find a list of all possible statuses a generator can have.

StatusDescriptionNext actions
NewA generator object exists with a default or modified configuration. Training has not yet started.• Start training
• Delete
In progressGenerator training is in progress.• Cancel training
• Delete
ReadyThe generator has completed training successfully and can now generate synthetic datasets.• Generate
• Share
• Delete
FailedThe generator training started and then failed.• Delete
CanceledThe generator training was canceled while still in progress.• Delete

Transfer ownership

If you need to give someone else ownership to a generator you created, you can do so from the Share window.


  1. From the Generators page, select a generator.
  2. Click Share in the upper right.
  3. (Optional) If not yet added, add the user you want to transfer this generator to.
  4. From the access menu, select Transfer ownership.
  5. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog window.

Revoke access

If you no longer want a generator to be accessed by a user, you can revoke their access.


  1. From the Generators page, select a generator.
  2. Click Share in the upper right.
  3. From the access menu, select Remove access.


The user is now removed from the list of people who can access this generator.

Delete a generator

A generator contains Generative AI models, one for each table of data. Depending on the size of your original data, it can take a long time to train a new one.

If you need to delete a generator, you can do so after you open a generator.


  1. From the Generators page, select a generator.
  2. Click the kebab menu in the upper right.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.


The generator is now deleted.