

The team at MOSTLY AI is open to your feedback. If you have questions or run into any issues, send us an email at

Update your account details

You can update your account details from your profile Settings page.


  1. From the profile menu, select Settings. Hover over your profile icon
  2. Update your first and last name.
  3. Click Save in the upper right. Update your account details

Delete your account

To delete your MOSTLY AI account, you can use the Settings option from the user profile menu.


Deleting your account is a permanent action that also deletes any resources you are the owner of. Before you proceed, check if you need to backup any of these resources.

  • Download synthetic datasets.
  • Export generators you are the owner of.
  • Export Assistant threads you are the owner of.
  • Save available connection information for any connectors you are the owner of. (Passwords and access keys cannot be retrieved.)


  1. From the upper right, hover over your profile icon.
  2. Click Settings. Hover over your profile icon
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click Delete my account. Click Delete my account
  5. To confirm, click Yes, delete my account.


MOSTLY AI ends your user sessions and logs you out. Your account is then deleted. Any resources (generators, synthetic datasets, connectors, Assistant threads) that you are the owner of are also deleted.

If you run into issues, contact us at